We are the team of Fertia

Our mission

We offer patients with infertility and pregnancy losses highly effective, empathetic and competent medical care.

Our team consists of experts from various fields who are passionate about improving the care of women and couples who want to have children.

We are convinced that new scientific findings can significantly improve treatment. That is why we are enthusiastically committed to scientific progress.

Hope|Fertia was founded to combine medical expertise with the benefits of digital applications and provide patients with effective, empathetic and qualified support.

Our collaboration in the development of medical guidelines:

Diagnosis and treatment of women with recurrent pregnancy loss


Diagnosis and treatment before assisted reproductive medicine (ART)


Prevention and treatment of premature birth

We are reviewers in the following journals
  • Human Reproduction, Human Reproduction Update
  • Fertility and Sterility
  • Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • Reproductive Biomedicine Online
  • American Journal of Reproductive Immunology
  • Frontiers
  • Journal of Reproductive Immunology
  • American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Our scientific priorities

Diagnostics and 
Therapy for 
recurrent pregnancy loss


Reproductive Immunology




Psychological stress factors 
in case of infertility


Preventing premature birth

Our membership and participation in medical associations
The team

That's who we are!

“We want to support you every step of the way”

Our aim is to provide fast, high-quality medical care that takes  the individual needs of each couple into account.

International experience

Through my work as a gynecologist in clinics in Germany, Austria and Denmark, I have experienced diverse medical care systems and therefore understand the different challenges that couples who want to have children must face.

Innovative treatment concepts

My professional focus is dealing with infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss, in which I have gained extensive clinical and scientific experience. I strive to find individual solutions for every couple.

Individual guidance and support

Together with our team, I want to provide holistic, empathic care and support for couples who are confronted with pregnancy problems — from diagnosis to successful pregnancy!

“We combine a modern, digital solution with personal, empathetic support”

Accompanying couples with an unfulfilled desire to have children on their way to a successful pregnancy is what drives me.

Many years of clinical experience

For many years, I have cared for couples with various causes of unfulfilled fertility in the fertility department of a university hospital. Even supposedly small factors can play a major role. My goal is to accompany each couple individually.

Science and guidelines

For over 10 years, I have been researching causes of infertility and pregnancy losses, with a focus on immunological factors. Integrating the latest findings into innovative treatment approaches is crucial. As a co-author of medical guidelines, I contribute to the development of current recommendations.

Personal care — holistic approach

As a senior physician, I led the specialist consultation for recurrent pregnancy loss  at Heidelberg University Hospital. I understand the burden of infertility. Sensitive, personal care that takes the individual needs of couples holistically into account is important to me.

I support you with a combination of digital innovation and empathy

As a company development expert, I am responsible for strategy and business development at Fertia. In recent years, I have focused on the FEMtech area. I recently set up an app to prevent psychological stress during pregnancy. Creating new things drives me and my goal is to accompany couples who want to have children on their journey to a successful pregnancy. In order to improve your medical care as well, we have designed Fertia Diagnostics. Our digitally supported diagnostics combines digital innovation with actual medical advice and is intended to support couples on their way to a successful pregnancy.

“5 years, 7 ICSI's, 14 cryos, one baby”

It took my husband and I five years to get pregnant for the first time and stay pregnant. It took three miscarriages and 21 failed attempts at the fertility clinic before we were rewarded for our persistence.

Why Fertia in Hope

Our goal is to accompany and support women who want to have children at all stages. We support them, from the start of the desire to have children, setbacks such as pregnancy losses, to situations in which things don't work out so easily and require treatment in a fertility center.
The Hope app offers all of this: education, knowledge, diagnostics in cases of infertility and pregnancy losses, as well as optimal support during fertility treatment. Thanks to the Hope app and the integration of Fertia, all steps of treatment are made easier and more patient-friendly through digitization!